Indoor Mapping

Indoor mapping is a novel concept that uses a digital 2D or 3D map to represent an indoor venue and spatial information. Indoor positioning and navigation are made possible by presenting places, people, and assets on a digital map. As a result, many various use cases are possible, allowing businesses to improve their workflows and efficiency.

NASA Pushes to Drive Commercial Data Use

NASA Pushes to Drive Commercial Data Use

NASA has launched a drive for commercial applications of its data and analysis tools with the launch of its remote sensing toolkit. Since 2013, NASA has developed and maintained an agency-wide plan, p...

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View BIM on a Tablet with MobiLive

View BIM on a Tablet with MobiLive

VisualLive has released MobiLive, an app that allows you to place true scale BIM models on site coordinates, and manipulate them to visualise how it looks in the real world, or during different constr...

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