What to Expect from AUVSI XPONENTIAL 2017

What to Expect from AUVSI XPONENTIAL 2017

随着无人驾驶系统的市场 - 包括无人机和机器人 - 准备经历巨大的增长,行业思想领导人将汇集在一起​​,讨论在无人驾驶车辆系统国际协会(AUVSI)协会时会推动创新和收入的技术,趋势和监管举措的)XPONENTIAL 2017show kicks off at the Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center in Dallas from 8-11 May 2017.

“我们正在进入无人机系统行业的快速,前所未有的增长,”Auvsi总裁兼首席执行官Brian Wynne说。“在Xponential上,我们聚集了该行业的思想领袖,以及各种垂直市场的创新者,他们拥有丰富的经验,利用无人驾驶的系统彻底改变他们的行业。从展览馆到主题阶段,向我们的教育阶段,与会者,与会者阶段。将获得宝贵的洞察力,从真实的案例研究中学习并瞥见未来。“188BET金宝搏下载


Auvsi的Wynne将于5月9日星期二上午8:30开放该计划。CDT,其次是英特尔首席执行官Brian Krzanich,他们将提供展会的开幕式,讨论无人机和其他无人系统的未来,以及将影响发展的技术创新。

Keynotes on Wednesday 10 May will begin at 8:30am. CDT and focus on regulatory issues and innovation. FAA Administrator Huerta will start the day's program, followed by Dirk Hoke, CEO, Airbus Defence and Space, and Brian Chappel, Sector Vice President and General Manager, Autonomous Systems, Northrop Grumman.

星期四11月11日,凯旋会在上午8:30恢复。CDT,与弗吉尼亚州的GOV.Terry Mcauliffe,他们将解决国家在无人机系统部门推动创新的举措。随后将被关键小组会议,包括布拉德Tomer,首席运营官,Avitas Systems,GE Venture等企业领导者。这种有远见的讨论将重点关注为什么早期用户投资无人驾驶系统,如何促进客户的伙伴关系如何促进通过,以及长期影响可能是商业运营的影响。


Showcasing the future of innovation across the unmanned systems and robotics ecosystem, XPONENTIAL will hostthe Start-Up Showdown. Sixty five startups submitted their products and services for consideration. The companies represented diverse applications of unmanned systems technology, such as hybrid power sources, advanced imagery payloads and autonomous wireless power.



xponential夸大了会议计划, with sessions of interest across a range of industries. Among the program's participants are thought leaders from government agencies, such as DOD, FAA, NASA, NOAA; and commercial organizations, including AT&T, Airmap, Barrick Gold, General Electric, Great Southwestern Construction, Intel, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Liquid Robotics, Northrop Grumman and Raytheon.

The conference program is divided into three tracks:

  • Policy:Airspace, local, state and federal government cooperation, international trade affecting unmanned systems, and regulation of unmanned maritime systems.
  • 技术:Defense technology innovation, drone delivery technology, protecting intellectual property, software development powering unmanned systems and automated vehicle technology development.
  • 商务解决方案:遥感,无线行业的无人机,映射和成像,石油和天然气,航空风险管理和管理和保护数据的海事应用。

More than 7,000 industry leaders and professionals from over 55 countries are expected to attend XPONENTIAL 2017. The exhibit hall will showcase more than 650 cutting-edge companies, representing more than 20 industries.

XPonential 2017的注册已开通。有关更多信息,请访问http://bit.ly/2jgeaLQ

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