Videographics Launches Mapping Drone with Integrated KlauPPK

Videographics Launches Mapping Drone with Integrated KlauPPK

随着Condor V8-PPK映射无人机的新版本,位于慕尼黑的摄像机Ingenieurgesellschaft已完成其工具箱,用于最精确的摄影测量空中映射和测量项目。

The German company Videographics is dedicated to supply superior UAV mapping technology and services. “We successfully generated an impressive knowledge base in the field of most precise GNSS-PPK direct georeferencing and have a solid understanding of all aspects, required for highly accurate results and efficient workflows.” says Stefan Warislohner, CEO ofVideographics。“除了克劳普克modules and software, we have been able to provide our customers with workshops and trainings and all hardware and software components necessary, however a suitable aircraft (UAV) was missing. Fortunately, our cooperation with Condor Multicopter & Drones, now closes this gap with a great aerial system.”

Coaxial octocopter

全新的Condor V8-PPK是德国在Condor Multicopter&Drones,镉和摄像机Ingenieurgesellschaft之间联合发展的结果。这款同轴八翼型基于轻巧,非常强大的碳纤维单镜底盘,并配备了PX4工业型飞行控制器。智能电池组,一种智能的双锂离子电源,可确保无人机返回家园并及时着陆。除了高功率密度外,锂离子电池在运输方面还具有重要优势:一旦未经过38.3认证的智能电池组就可以在板上的商业航班上进行!

The UAV has a 5.2 kg take-off weight, (including Sony Rx1RII, KlauPPK) and a flight time of over 30 minutes (standard Smart Battery Pack) which can be extended to over 40 minutes with the XL-Smart Battery Pack.

Near-real-time system

The KlauPPK controller is installed inside the water and dust protected housing of the aircraft, with easy access for any necessary action and checks on the ground and powered directly from the drone. It is designed to record all signals and information necessary on just one memory device, in order to ensure a most efficient and smooth post processing workflow. Optional there is also Klau Geomatics’ PRO System available: The near real time version (NRT) offers automatic correction data acquisition in the PPK software, just a few minutes after the flight, worldwide. The advanced real time system (RT) receives correction data from satellites, powered by NovATel Terrastar Pro-C惩教服务。精确的位置是实时计算的,可以将该技术集成到全球范围内,并且在全球范围内没有任何范围限制。

Herelink RC技术具有超过2公里的范围,可确保无人机控制和实时视图(有效载荷摄像头和集成的FPV摄像头)安全稳定的无线电传输。这个功能强大的遥控系统包括集成显示,提供对飞机和有效载荷的完整而简单的控制,并且非常方便,同时可以集成强大的任务应用程序(例如UGC)。


Available payloads for photogrammetry are either Sony’s RX1RII (42MP, 35mm) or SONY’s Alpha 6000 (24MP, 16mm, 20mm), others e.g. PhaseOne, IR-thermal cameras and multi spectral cameras will follow. The camera / lens combinations (RGB type only) will be supplied precalibrated with calibration data provided to go directly into Agisoft or PIX4D.

有效载荷由2轴编码的万日控制,其中包括所有必要的连接,包括适用于扩展任务的相关摄像头的直接电源。任何数据 - 图像以及飞行日志或PPK数据 - 仅在本地存储。

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