Trimble为其精确点定位(PPP)校正服务引入了数据完整性监视,Centerpoint RTX快速。Trimble RTX完整性监视系统是一种创新的专利解决方案,它直接构建了对生产准备就绪应用的客户需求的响应。
通过智能的两步过程,Trimble RTX完整性系统验证了从卫星和过滤器中收到的GNSS数据的完整性,然后在数据广播之前,网络服务器中的有缺陷信息。在整个数据传输过程中进行了辅助后广播检查,可以检测并删除其他错误。完整性监控系统是完全自动化的,并以秒的方式反应以检测,隔离和阻止故障数据,以提供更加准确和可靠的定位。
Trimble RTX完整性由在美国,加拿大南部和整个欧洲的RTX快速网络中策略性地定位的独立监控站组成。这些站点在三个RTX定位过程的多个阶段连续监视数据输出。在完整性保护过程中删除了任何可疑卫星数据,并仅使用经过验证的数据计算定位。
三重合金GNSS参考接收器独立monitori力量ng stations using redundant internet connectivity for added reliability. To date, no other positioning network offers the same level of data integrity validation across such expansive, contiguous geographies.
Trimble RTX Integrity monitoring system was developed in accordance with Automotive Software Performance Improvement and Capability dEtermination (ASPICE) and ISO 26262 automotive safety standards, making it easy to integrate into major automotive manufacturers’ autonomous driving systems. Trimble RTX Integrity can also be used by Trimble's customers in the agriculture, geospatial and construction industries to ensure correction stream integrity and reliability for applications such as machine control and high-accuracy surveying applications.
“Trimble remains committed to exceeding expectations by providing accurate corrections to our customers to support safety-critical and other day-to-day applications,” said Patricia Boothe, senior vice president of autonomy at Trimble. “Implementing additional checks and balances to ensure our data is authenticated, trustworthy and accurate is of paramount importance to maintaining the integrity of our RTX network and instilling confidence with our users that the data is correct.”