thinkWhere Creates Map Portal for Open European Geographic Data Services

thinkWhere Creates Map Portal for Open European Geographic Data Services

思考在线正在开发在线映射门户,以改善对官方欧洲地理空间开放数据的访问。使用Eurogeographics,作为开放式欧洲位置服务(Open Els)项目的一部分,认为将创建,维护和支持用户界面,为注册用户提供访问公共机构的开放数据。

“思考在非营利性部门内有一个经过验证的历史记录,其中包括人道主义开放式队伍和有需要的人民的组织,并且在该项目的这一元素上作为技术领先的自然身份,”Mick Cory说:“Mick Cory说,Eurogeographics秘书长和执行董事。


The Open ELS project follows the commonly used web services architecture ‘publish-find-bind’ with the work by thinkWhere forming the ‘find and bind’ element. Information from service and data providers, under six web map and web feature themes (EuroGlobalMap / Regional Gazetteer / Open Cadastral / Addresses / Building / Transport), will be used to create a catalogue of published data and services. This information will be used, together with existing European Location Services technical components and open source technologies, to develop the user interface.

Co-financed by the European Union Connecting Europe Facility, the Open ELS project aims to maximise the use of authoritative geospatial information by providing certainty about what is free, what is charged for and under what terms and conditions. It is hoped the project will realise benefits of open geospatial information from official national sources by making it easy to find, access and re-use and recognises the contribution of public authorities responsible for mapping, cadastre and land registries in delivering user-focused open data for European Location Services.

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