Thai Soccer Team Rescue Assisted by Intermap

Thai Soccer Team Rescue Assisted by Intermap

In partnership with Mappoint Asia Thailand Public Company, and Chiang Rai University, Intermap Technologies, a leading provider of geospatial intelligence solutions, supplied its newly-released NEXTMap One, a 1m resolution elevation dataset, to the Thai Department of National Parks in an effort to help rescue the trapped Thai soccer team.

This high-resolution elevation data was supplied within three hours, and used in conjunction with other sensors to identify elevation coordinates, prioritise potential drilling points, identify drainage paths, provide a detailed and interactive 3D model of the area, and determine alternate routes into the caves to help rescue the boys. NEXTMap One, which was provided for free, is substantially more detailed than the existing elevation data available from commercial and government sources.



Patrick Blott,Intermap的董事长和首席执行官表示,“Intermap很乐意协助泰国官员寻求失踪的青少年。我们谨祝贺国际救援行动,泰国海军海豹和紧急响应者取得成功,在找到男孩们的成功。我们希望我们的数据和建模努力将有助于为此危机带来快速解决,而无需进一步损失生命。我们很高兴能够发挥作用,并利用我们的分析来帮助当地大学员工制作有用的解决方案,支持救援工作,并希望尽快回到朋友和家庭。“

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