在“ Gim International”航空地图数周中188金宝搏特邀乘坐天空

在“ Gim International”航空地图数周中188金宝搏特邀乘坐天空

从现在到4月4日,188金宝搏特邀Aerial Mapping Weeks are helping you to explore the latest aerial mapping solutions and discover the ever-expanding range of products and services they can generate.

Reality 3D models, Lidar points clouds, super-high-resolution aerial imagery and value-added datasets based on artificial intelligence… these are just a few of the products that can be derived from aerial mapping. From now until 4 April, the188金宝搏特邀Aerial Mapping Weeks will enrich your knowledge with the latest insights, trends and developments. Join us on this journey to explore the latest aerial mapping solutions and discover the ever-expanding range of products and services they can generate.

Aerial mapping plays a crucial role in delivering up-to-date and accurate data to inform decision-making. Today, the airborne market for area-wide 3D data acquisition is undergoing a noticeable shift towards a hybrid mapping concept. In the near future, airborne data collection activities are increasingly expected to be performed by a mix of active and passive sensors. One key recent innovation is the combination of three sensor types – nadir camera, oblique cameras and a Lidar unit – in a single geospatial data acquisition system.

The Aerial Mapping Weeks will be supported by a themedweb page, extra newsletters and an abundance of new articles, columns, Q&As, videos and other new content. We hope that you, and the rest of the188金宝搏特邀社区,将欣赏有关空中映射世界正在发生的事情的重要更新。


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