Sweden Excels in Public Use of 3D in Smart City Applications

Sweden Excels in Public Use of 3D in Smart City Applications

The Swedish 3D industry has repeatedly innovated in public use of 3D and in particular in external city planning applications, for which it has received several international awards. Now, several Swedish cities are once again involved in projects which are reinventing the use of 3D city models in promoting the city and public participation.

In September 2015 a digital dialogue was launched for one of the large development projects in Stockholm. In the early phase of the Norra Djurgårdsstaden project, the planning department invites citizens to contribute with suggestions and ideas. The dialogue is available to the public asa link在斯德哥尔摩城的主页上,并使用巨大的(500平方公里)的感性3D城市模型作为背景。巨大的3D型号使用Agency9技术流传输到网络,平板电脑和展览屏幕。


Earlier this year, the city relaunched its award-winning citizen portal Min Stad (meaning 'My City').门户invites citizens to post suggestions for development and improvements of the city. The portal has been operational since 2012 and has attracted tens of thousands of visitors and nearly a thousand suggestions from citizens.


在瑞典的商业区房地产会议上,本周开幕3D visualisation在大型触摸屏上,以促进市政当局。使用范围内的3D城市模型作为背景,使用动画项目模型和动态图来展示不同的项目和主题。

Håkan Engman, CEO of Agency9, commented his company is proud to be part of these projects and he stated Agency9 is committed to maintain a lead in 3D technology and solutions to support implementation of online Smart City application. The CityPlanner cloud services is a powerful visualisation tool for cities to publish projects to users on the web, mobile or on exhibition screens.

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