

When we interviewed Professor Thomas Kersten back in 2014, he predicted that the smartphone would become a valuable surveying instrument within just a couple of years – and he was not far wrong! Thanks to the rapid pace of technical advancement, smartphone photogrammetry now enables us to capture reality in 3D. Some smartphones come with a 3D scanning application already integrated, while others can be turned into a 3D scanner by simply downloading an app. And who knows what the next few years will bring. Will we soon see smartphones equipped with a Lidar sensor – a 3D laser scanner in your pocket? At ‘188金宝搏特邀“,我们概述了今天智能手机已经提供的广泛相关功能。请继续阅读,了解如何使用您的智能手机进行众多测量和映射应用程序。


社区参与的使用,移动抛光工艺ogies and cloud storage services could create a new way of undertaking land administration activities, and ultimately lead to more secure land rights for all. Sparked by these grand visions – which were first promoted by Robin McLaren, amongst others, in the late 2000s – alternative land administration platforms are now emerging, such as cadasta.org, landmapp.net and mobineo.org to name but a few. Apps lie at the heart of the developments…but what do we really mean by a ‘land administration app’ and what must such an app be capable of? Here, the authors provide a brief overview.阅读更多...


Precisely Flexible Positioning

随着用户推动更多功能,今天的智能手机和平板电脑的位置应用程序正在抵消令人沮丧的限制。更高的准确性可以提高位置感知应用的性能,但成本和复杂性为许多潜在的开发人员及其客户提供了进入的障碍。现在Trimble Catalyst software-defined GNSSreceiver is shifting the emphasis from hardware to software and cloud-based services, and is set to bring new users to the GNSS arena.Read more here...

Customary Cadastres and Smartphone Surveys

习惯土地管理的复杂性质,加上缓慢,昂贵和高度集中的国家土地登记系统,意思是习惯土地权利的登记忽略了。估计表明,仅仅是加纳常规陆地持股的0.5%,在围城地区制定土地占地更容易,土地管理活动,如土地整理,高机会。阅读文章,显示了一个实验结果,其中智能手机应用程序用于实现参与式,更快,更便宜,更适合于农村习惯土地管理。Read more here...


Smartphones are omnipresent, and many people can no longer do without them. Smartphone cameras capture images suited for generatingpoint clouds and 3D models。Apps running on smartphones and software running on a remote server enable easy 3D modelling from multiple images. The challenge is to train and guide laymen through a proper image capture strategy using their smartphones. The authors of this article investigated the potential use of smartphones for cheap and rapid generation of point clouds and 3D models exploiting a collaborative approach.Read more here...

Bluesky Uses Mobile Phones to Create 3D Maps

天线映射公司Bluesky已完成由英国政府创新机构创新英国支持的研究项目,以开发使用移动电话来捕获准确的3D空间信息。九个月调查专注于使用标准智能手机技术捕获和校准视频素材,然后将其转换为3D信息。然后可以使用专门开发的算法和工作流程提取精确的基本基础设施,例如架空电力线和其他公用设施。Read more here...



There is an urgent need for the administration of property and land use rights worldwide as the basis for social and economic growth. Notwithstanding the enormous investments by governments and international organisations in the development of such systems over the past decades, it is still estimated that, from a global perspective, 75% of the relations between people and their land are not documented. So which methods and techniques can be used to develop land administration systems for all, and within our generation? Light mobile collection tools may offer a solution, as presented in this proof of concept from Colombia.Read more here...

Read the interview with Thomas Kerstenhere

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