SphereVision 360 Imaging Software Integrates iSTAR Measurement Module

SphereVision 360 Imaging Software Integrates iSTAR Measurement Module

Arithmetica has released a new version of the SphereVision 360 degree imaging software with support for NCTech’s industrial grade iSTAR panoramic camera. SphereVision Project Builder now includes functionality allowing iSTAR users to capture measurements directly from within a spherical image. With applications including forensic evidence collection, as built surveying, asset management and construction, for example, this functionality is designed for iSTAR users who want fast data capture within their existing workflow.

The ability to capture measurements from iSTAR 360-degree imaging is in addition to the existing functionality of SphereVision Project Builder. The 360-degree imaging software already allows for the integration of 360 media with maps, plans or layouts, that can be used to create an interactive view by linking rich media such as video, audio and documents.



Mark Senial,商业开发经理评论说:“SpaleVision Project Builder允许用户使用综合文档,计划和布局以及额外的视觉和音频创建真正的沉浸式和交互式360度环境。能够轻松捕获和共享Istar Imagery的测量,从而为下一个级别进行360个成像的专业应用,我们很高兴成为NCTECH综合合作伙伴社区的第一个成员之一。“

Neil Tocher, Chief Technology Officer at NCTech, added, “We have developed the NCTech SDK in response to requests from users who want a faster way to generate measurements from their existing recording systems. Our open strategy makes highly valuable functionality, like the Measurement Module, more universally and synergistically accessible from within third-party software, like Arithmetica’s SphereVision.”


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