Share Your Experiences of Challenging Survey Projects!
您是否参与了一个充满挑战的测量项目,您是否愿意与其他人分享您的经验详细信息188金宝搏特邀readers? The diverse nature of surveying – and its relevance for so many aspects of the future advancement of society – means that industry professionals work in all kinds of environments, often under very difficult circumstances or with spectacular results. If you have an impressive or informative story to tell about how you and your surveying team overcame challenging conditions, Wim van Wegen is keen to hear from you!
The forthcoming ‘Prestigious Projects’ issue of188金宝搏特邀is the ideal edition in which to showcase your challenging project to our worldwide audience. When sending us details of your project, please also include some photos that capture the demanding nature of the task at hand. We look forward to hearing from you!
ContactWim van Wegen, head of content at GIM International, if you would like to showcase a unique survey project or if you’re keen to share your experience of mapping the environment under challenging conditions.
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