Septentrio卫星导航NV和Altus定位系统正在扩大其战略关系,以寻求高精度卫星测量部门的增长机会。Septentrio通过其美国子公司Septentrio Inc.对Altus进行了大量投资,该公司由Septentrio Satellite Navigation NV共同拥有,并由Belgische Maatschappij voor Internotale International -sociétébelgebelge belge belge d'svestmentement Investivement Intervistement International International(BMI -SBI) /参与者(BMI -SBI)(PMV),一个基于比利时的投资联盟。
Septentrio is a manufacturer of high-end global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers for demanding professional navigation, positioning and timing applications. Altus is a fast-growing international supplier of GNSS equipment for survey applications. Both are privately held companies.
Septentrio的创始人兼首席执行官Peter Grognard说:“对Altus的投资是Septentrio生活中令人兴奋的新步骤。”“传统上,调查一直是专业GNSS行业的最大部分。在传统和新兴市场中,调查部门近年来一直持续两位数的增长率,我们在Altus的投资将进一步加速我们的增长并扩大我们的增长和扩大我们的投资。在这个关键行业的全球存在。”
"Septentrio's investment in Altus is a logical new phase of strengthening the outstanding professional collaboration between our two companies over the last five years," said Neil Vancans, CEO and president of Altus. "As the supplier of the GNSS receivers used in our surveying products, Septentrio plays a key role in the success of our products in the marketplace. By combining the strengths of our two companies, we are poised to become a powerhouse in the developing geomatics industry."