

Sentinel-5P data open to the public, and Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) has begun processing with detailed forecasts anticipated later in 2018.



TROPOMI (Tropospheric Monitoring Instrument) gathers data that will be used to investigate air quality in much more detail than ever before, and will locate where significant emissions are taking place and what their impact is on atmospheric concentrations of key pollutants. This will help to better mitigate air quality problems and provide better air quality forecasts, with the data intended to inform policymakers and environmental agencies.


“目前,数据仅在CAM系统中被动地包括 - 预测模型与Trobomi观察之间的差异,但数据尚未影响CAMS预测。以这种方式评估卓越数据,提供了有关其质量的宝贵反馈,“CAMS高级科学家Antje Inness表示。

“We have been using preliminary Sentinel-5P data in the CAMS global system. Early impressions are excellent and we expect that Sentinel-5P will soon become one of the most important data sources underpinning the quality of CAMS information products,” said Richard Engelen, Deputy Head of CAMS. “Anybody can access the Sentinel-5P data, but it is complex and has to be processed before it is useful for addressing specific questions. CAMS does this processing so that the data user doesn’t have to, by combining Sentinel-5P data with observations from other satellite instruments to provide combined datasets as well as forecasts for the next few days.”


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