RIEGL’s VZ-2000i Laser Scanner Auto-registers Data in Real-time
This article was originally published inGeomatics World.
RIEGL have shown off their VZ-2000i terrestrial laser scanner. The device features two on-board processors that enable it to run multiple parallel processes. While scanning in the field, the device can perform registration, geo-referencing, and orientation of data simultaneously, and in real time.
Notably, RIEGL says the new scanner includes full documentation of all of its components, which offers a “sound basis” for developing your own custom Python apps to enhance scanner functionality.
The scanner is designed to be fast and work well over long distances, capturing 1.2 million points per second at up to 2,500 metres. It boasts 5mm accuracy and 3mm precision. RIEGL recommends the device for topography and mining, city modelling, tunnel surveying, civil engineering, and natural hazard surveying, among other applications.
如您所料,最近的设备特性iteration of the RIEGL’s waveform-liar technology, which uses echo digitisation, online waveform processing, and multiple-time-around processing to offer accurate measurements regardless of weather conditions or range requirements.
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