用于升级卡塔尔数字地图的航空调查系统已开始运营。在卡塔尔的航空调查项目下,航空摄影的使命涵盖了该国所有地区和哈卢尔岛(Halul Island)拍摄20厘米精确的评估航空照片的任务,作为更新该国数字线性地图的基础。
The photography work took place from 30 March to 20 April 2022. The project is being implemented by the Geographical Survey System (GIS) Center of the Ministry of Municipality.
It is planned to provide all state institutions with aerial photographs and updated digital maps during July 2022, to be used within the activities and projects of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 events. They could be used later in all other projects of the state in various fields such as planning, education, health, Ministry of Interior services, supporting decision-making and infrastructure development of the country, among others.
Integration with Other Geospatial Data Sources
该项目正在通过哈蒂布和阿拉米after a tender was awarded by the Ministry’s Grand Tenders Committee to supply the project’s equipment and devices, including manned aircraft, modern drones, cameras, remote sensing and specialized computers.
这项工作被认为是卡塔尔航空调查系统运营的开始,这是由市政部最近收到的,由该部代表GISCenter, as the national entity responsible for all works of updating the digital maps of Qatar and managing the country’s aerial survey system.
Oblique Aerial Images and 3D Models
The centre’s role is to provide basic geographical maps and digital topographic databases, establish and maintain geodetic networks and related services, and as part of the plan to develop national standards and specifications related to geographic information systems at the state level through the centre’s cadres without the assistance of companies from outside.
Carrying out aerial surveys and remote sensing using manned aircraft comes in integration with other data sources currently used, such as satellite images, mobile field surveys and drones.
这重要的发展包括的产品the processing and taking accurate aerial images, oblique aerial images, linear data, 3D model data, digital elevation model (DEM), remote sensing, Lidar data, bathymetric survey data for bathymetry, marine survey and hyperspectral imaging.
Source: The Peninsula (thepeninsulaqatar.com)
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