Praxis Aeronautics Crack Secrets of the Solar Drone
父亲和儿子澳大利亚公司Praxis Aeronautics开发了一个新的过程来创建一个轻巧的太阳能无人机,他们希望在白天几乎可以无限期地飞行。
The new method encapsulates standard solar cells in composite material without losing efficiency, thus solving one of the key problems that had been holding back solar-powered aircraft – the weight and cost of accommodating solar cells.’ Praxis, based in Adelaide, has attracted the attention of the South Australian Government’s early commercialisation fund, which will contribute AU$150,000 to the company’s efforts to produce a larger prototype to entice the market.
汽油驱动的无人机价格昂贵,电动无人机的飞行时间有限,直到现在,太阳能无人机的开发人员已经努力处理固定太阳能电池板的重量,或者创建结合太阳能电池的车身材料的费用。实践解决方案是使用层压过程将普通的太阳能电池组合到飞机的复合材料中 - 该工艺已在造船行业中用于封装木材,以建造高端游艇。
Praxis的Cameron Donaldson说:“这是证明这一过程的最佳应用,因为它是制造相对较小的产品,而且我们没有遇到的其他产品具有改进因素。”“我们已经能够将飞行持续时间提高六次(大多数电动无人机只能飞行一小时)。”
The challenge for the company has been to create a larger prototype, to show off to the market – and that’s where the Government funding will help. “Everyone will want to see it fly before they commit,” says Don Donaldson.
最终目标是创建一个可以在白天几乎无限的小时内飞行的无人机。无人机将装有电池,从本质上讲,它将成为自己的充电站 - 在电源降低时能够降落和充电,然后再起飞。