This article was originally published inGeomatics World.
PointFuse发布了其高级点云处理软件的最新版本,该软件转换了通过激光扫描和摄影测量法捕获的数百万个单个测量值。具有新的简化分类,以确保无限转换功率的最高效率和多项处理,这是新版本的Pointfuseis set to transform workflows within digital construction, facilities management and virtual design applications.
“Pointfuse is designed to make the use of point cloud data more accessible by removing many of the traditional barriers to use,” commented Mark Senior, regional sales director at Pointfuse. “Obstacles such as processing time and computer power, incompatibility within existing workflows and output files that are large and complex; these have all been obliterated with the latest Pointfuse release.”
Pointfuse now includes a new streamlined workflow which makes object classification easy, using templates and shortcuts to ensure maximum efficiency. This ability to classify objects within Pointfuse has had a huge impact on how as-built data is utilized within digital design workflows; being able to quickly compare specific as-built objects with the design enables more accurate clash detection, reducing the number of false clashes being flagged.
IFC (Industry Foundation Classes – an open format data model that is intended to describe architectural, building and construction industry data) templates can also be created and edited for specific applications. With applications including architectural, MEP and HVAC, selected objects can be classified and mapped to ensure compatibility with onward workflows.
PointFuse还包括一个新的转换引擎,该转换引擎使用多功能处理来管理和启用无限点云转换以提供真实的可扩展性。此外,PointFuse的网格型号已智能优化,将工作数据大小降低了100倍,使其易于与在线3D协作平台共享,例如BIM 360,3D Repo,Revitzo,Trimble Connect。
“Using Pointfuse we can create intelligent 3D mesh models in a fraction of the time,” commented Ben Callan, BIM coordinator in global construction services company ISG’s UK Fit Out business. “This accelerated modelling and reduced risk of error contributes to a direct reduction in costs when compared against traditional methods of modelling and point cloud data analysis. The easy to use, easy to consume outputs are also paving the way for new applications of the data including existing versions.
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