Phase One has announced its next-generation aerial mapping solutions. The Phase One PAS 880 oblique and PAS 280 nadir systems have been enhanced with 150MP near-infrared (NIR) sensors and the most productive workflow with the launch of the latest iX Suite SW solution. Phase One is a leading developer of digital imaging technologies.
新的PAS 880i提供了相同的图像质量和图像捕获率(2帧/秒),该速度获得了其先驱因可靠性和生产率而闻名。PAS 880i覆盖了宽阔的横跨轨道:Nadir的20,000多个像素和14,000个像素,在各种空速,高度和照明条件下运行。它是市场上为数不多的解决方案之一,可以同时捕获Nadir和倾斜的相同飞行高度和速度条件下的最高分辨率,无模糊的图像。
“ PAS 880I已经是最有生产力的大型航空解决方案,现在也是最通用的,” Anthony Garetto副总裁Anthony Garetto说Phase One Geospatial。“用户操作880不是我的选择in full nadir/oblique mode for wide-area mapping and 3D city modelling projects, or nadir-only mode for photogrammetric applications. The enhanced PAS 880i now includes a 150MP near-infrared sensor with 50mm lens, adding simultaneous data capture of the near-infrared band for a complete 4-band solution.”
The Advantage of Using Bayer Pattern Sensors
PAS 280i在飞行方向上有超过20,000个RGB像素,是一种有效的大型空中溶液,与150MP NIR摄像头相结合。根据第一阶段,这确保了比其他大型系统更高的投资回报率。PAS 880I基于PAS 280i解决方案,可实现无缝升级到完整的倾斜系统,确保了未来的有效和有效的投资和服务产品的灵活性。
将NIR传感器添加到PAS 880andPAS 280solutions expands their utility in applications related to agricultural monitoring, environmental preservation and land use/land cover programmes.