操作系统开放Zoomstack映射工具发布产品开发lopers for Free

操作系统开放Zoomstack映射工具发布产品开发lopers for Free

Ordnance Survey (OS) has released OS Open Zoomstack, a free, customisable digital mapping toolkit that gives developers the ability to create quick, easy 2D and 3D maps for use in apps and websites and offline pages. OS Open Zoomstack contains up-to-date and authoritative OS data for every building, road, and greenspace in Great Britain, and comes with four different cartographic styles – outdoor, roads, light and night – with further flexibility for greater customisation.

OS Open Zoomstack is a supported open data product. It is available in GeoPackage and as Vector Tiles (for both web and mobile). Its release comes after a three-month trial, which saw OS working closely with more than 1,200 developers who helped shape the product ahead of its release.

OS Cartographic Design Consultant Charley Glynn said “OS Open Zoomstack is part of OS’s journey to improve access to OS data, to reach new audiences and make our data easy for customers across all sectors to use. The learnings taken from this project are vital and will be incorporated into other projects as we move forward. During the trial, OS partner AddressCloud embedded OS Open Zoomstack in its risk analysis work in the financial sector. Open Canal Map used OS Open Zoomstack to enhance their open data canal map of Britain. The trial has shown how this tool can remould what organizations and individuals do when creating their own mapping, and we’re looking forward to seeing what people produce.”

For more information, visitwww.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/business-and-government/products/os-open-zoomstack.html

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