

AirMap已与Airways New Zealand部署无人交通管理系统,可在坎特伯雷和新西兰皇后镇地区进行安全兼容的无人机航班,为期三个月的试验。

Drone flights in New Zealand are growing exponentially. Over the past three years, weekly recorded drone flights in the country's controlled airspace have increased 20-fold. As drones take off in increasing numbers, unmanned traffic management (UTM) technology will allow them to integrate safely with New Zealand's national airspace system.


Airspace managers participating in the trial are using the AirMap airspace management dashboard to provide digital flight authorizations and share real-time updates about the location of events, community gatherings, emergencies, and other areas to avoid. This information is delivered immediately to the AirMap app to enable safer flights and more comprehensive situational awareness.

Airways New Zealand是该地区航空系统的关键推动者,以及全球航空交通管理服务的领先供应商,服务于65多个国家,每年管理超过100万的空中交通措施。“该试验是调查航空公司如何开发全国UTM系统的重要一步,该系统安全地将无人机集成到新西兰的更广泛的空中交通管制网络中,”航空公司首席执行官Graeme Sumner表示。“新西兰有潜力通过实施一种以安全的方式实现支持增长和发展的系统成为UAV行业的测试床。”

“我们非常兴奋to help New Zealand's drone pilots more easily and safely access the airspace," said Ben Marcus, AirMap CEO. "With the world watching, Airways and AirMap are demonstrating how UTM technologies can safely open the skies to high-scale drone operations, today."

For more information visithttps://www.airmap.com/

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