New Wearable System Paves Way for Mobile Mapping for Mainstream Use in Surveying
Navvis是一个室内空间智能技术和企业解决方案的先驱,已宣布推出纳维斯VLX,这是一种可穿戴式映射系统,即使是最复杂的建筑工地,楼梯和小型技术室等最复杂的建筑环境中也捕获了高质量数据。NAVVIS VLX的一体化现实捕获功能包括调查等级点云和高分辨率全景。高质量数据捕获和紧凑,经济设计的组合将转换AEC项目的捕获方式快速,高效扫描BIM和CAD应用,同时还将项目的范围扩展到基于Web的数字双胞胎的新可交付成果。
NavVIS equipped with two Lidar sensors and is able to quickly and efficiently capture survey-grade point clouds using the same ground-breaking SLAM technology that NavVis has developed for its industry-leading indoor mobile mapping system, NavVis M6. Along with point clouds, NavVis VLX captures high-resolution panorama images in a complete 360° field of view, which is a result of four strategically positioned cameras.
“We designedNavVIS provide the AEC industry with a compact, versatile device that efficiently captures buildings and still delivers survey-grade point clouds,” said Georg Schroth, NavVis CTO.
“我们的行业领先的室内移动映射系统纳维斯M6,自推出以来的两年内真正取消,因为它能够在大型商业和工业物业中快速捕捉高质量数据。知道在更广泛的建筑文档应用程序中仍有未满足的高质量移动数据捕获的需求,我们开始开发一个更通用的设备,可以实现NAVVIS M6以较小的规模和较低的预算。“
“We are very proud to announce today that this ambition has resulted in a wearable mapping system that is convenient and economical but delivers the data quality you would expect from a high-end device. In fact, we are so confident in the quality of the data that we believe even the biggest sceptics of mobile mapping will be convinced when they see the point cloud and panorama quality NavVis VLX can achieve.”
The data captured by NavVis VLX can be applied to a wide range of applications including conventional building documentation such as CAD drawings and BIM models, but also to innovative digital twin solutions, such as NavVis IndoorViewer. NavVis is launching partnerships with PointCab, ClearEdge3D and Hemminger for Bentley Microstation, in addition to the existing integration with Autodesk Revit, to ensure that NavVis VLX and NavVis M6 seamlessly fit into existing workflows of third-party solutions.
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