Land Info Completes 10m Countrywide Mapping Dataset of USA
Land Info Worldwide Mapping recently completed up-to-date 10m-resolution thematic raster GIS data covering all 50 US states. Optimized for low-band (broad-area coverage) 5G wireless planning, the dataset supports additional applications including utilities, insurance and government, and complements Land Info’s 1m-resolution datasets that are used for mid-band and high-band 5G in more densely populated areas. Land Info Worldwide Mapping is a leading provider of mapping solutions for 5G wireless in North America.
"The dataset is unique in that, in addition to using 2020-2021 Sentinel imagery and numerous ancillary layers, we were able to create best-in-class mapping by incorporating aerial-derived Digital Surface Model (DSM) elevation data into our processing via our long-standing partnership with Hexagon’s HxGN Content Program," says Land Info President Nick Hubing.
Imagery, DSM and Ancillary Layers
TheHxGN Content Programmeoffers high-resolution, countrywide aerial imagery and elevation data of the contiguous United States and Western European countries. Hexagon continuously advances the programme with higher-resolution products for digital twin initiatives.
“We are proud to support Land Info’s land-use/cover mapping solution with our high-quality DSMs,” says John Welter, president of Geospatial Content Solutions at Hexagon. “Land Infois a well-established partner of Hexagon, and the partnership enables various industries to gain real-world analytics for reliable insights and better-informed decision-making.”
Land Info’s proprietary automated geospatial processing technologies include object-based image analysis and artificial intelligence where smart rulesets analysed, classified and merged the imagery, DSM and ancillary layers into a single information-rich dataset. There are currently just over 20 classes, and additional classes can be added upon request.
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