The Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) is normally held every four years. This rhythm has only been disrupted three times since the ISPRS was born in 1910: during the two world wars and during the COVID-19 pandemic.
在2016年布拉格之后,二十四国会held in 2020 in Nice, but the international health context forced ISPRS and the French organizing committee to replace the traditional meeting with digital events in 2020 and 2021. While these two events have allowed many authors to present and publish their work, a physical event is eagerly awaited by the community to allow scientific networking, to encourage interdisciplinary cross-fertilization, to stimulate inter-generational exchanges, and also to develop the crucial links between science and industry.
Considering possible travelling uncertainties in June 2022 from some countries, we will offer possibilities for remote presentations by authors who are unable to join us in Nice. Remote participation will also be possible, but will give access only to a selection of sessions (some more information will be available on the congress website from March onwards). Nevertheless, all sessions will be recorded and available in replay for registered participants.
The scientific contributions submitted for the three editions (2020, 2021 and 2022) of the XXIV Congress total up to 3,400, testifying the very strong dynamism of the scientific and industrial community in the field of geospatial imagery and geographic information.
除了这种事件的专业和人类利益外,尼斯 - 法国里维埃拉的国际化和多元文化之都 - 是举办难忘的ISPRS大会的理想场所。