汉密尔顿县正在快速更新其地址和物业数据库,以满足使用iPad和地理空间专家的E911标准地理堂应用。Geojot是一个易于使用的应用程序,将iPad或iPhone转换为现场数据收集设备。从Apple App Store获得,Geojot是一个与基于PC的GPS-Photo Link照片映射软件为独占使用的伴侣应用程序,也由地理空间专家开发。Android的Geojot应该在四月准备好。
2001年推出,GPS-Photo Link是用于映射照片的行业标准软件。该软件能够用GPS摄像头,带GPS捕获的拍摄照片和附带的属性信息,或与任何GPS单元一起使用的任何数码相机。数字地图输出包括ESRI Shapefiles和地理数据库以及Google地球文件。该软件使摄影师能够输入或修改可以永久写入图像EXIF标头的照片属性数据。用户还可以为数据共享创建自定义输出,包括以各种格式的水印照片和报告。
In 2011,地理空间专家introduced GeoJot to leverage and maximise the built-in geotagging capabilities of the camera-equipped iPad and iPhone. These mobile devices use internal GPS chips to stamp each photo with location coordinates where the photo was taken. GeoJot maximises the geotagging accuracy of the internal GPS chips by up to four times – putting it well within the accuracy specifications of many business-related photo-mapping applications.
在汉密尔顿县,学院实习生从房子走到房子,用iPad 2.他们然后在房屋号,街道名称和街道方向键,以保持评估员的税收数据库最新。这些属性以及GPS坐标,由Geojot永久地与正确的属性相连。回到评估员的办公室,地理位置文件将上传到在PC上运行的GPS-Photo Link照片映射软件。
这全球定位系统-Photo Linksoftware correlates the photos and attributes with their geographic locations and then outputs them to the ArcGIS database used for tax assessment. This database contains a parcel layer in which each property is precisely mapped to its correct location coordinates. GPS-Photo Link uses the photo coordinates to match the street address with its parcel in the database, merging the new attributes with the existing assessment information for the first time.