Innoviz Announces Two Solid State Automotive Lidar Solutions

Innoviz Announces Two Solid State Automotive Lidar Solutions

Innoviz Technologies宣布了两种新的固态激光雷达解决方案:汽车级InnovizPro和售后市场Innovizone。

Both InnovizOne and InnovizPro offer high-definition intelligent 3D sensing and an accurate, reliable scan of a vehicle’s surroundings. Since the sensors are solid state, they include no mechanical moving parts, and this enables Innoviz to offer a smaller product footprint at mass-market prices. The devices also use Innoviz’s proprietary technology, MEMS, and detector design, which enables them to adapt to different environments, such as low light at night time, bright sunlight, and varying weather conditions.


尽管Innoviz尚未发布InnovizPro传感器的技术细节,但首席执行官兼联合创始人Omer Keilaf解释说,“ Innovizpro被设计为售后市场激光雷达。意识到我们目前的设计可以以更低的价格提供更好的性能,并为共享的出行公司提供服务,因此我们从事自主驾驶技术,第1层和OEM的开发的研发公司,我们决定将目前的设计用于大众生产。188asia备用网址同时,我们一直在努力开发我们的汽车级激光雷达(Innovizone)。”


Innoviz aims for levels 3-5 of autonomous driving with its InnovizOne product, and expects to release it by Q1 2019. The InnovizPro releases in Q1 2018, and though pricing for this product is not yet released, Keilaf said it will start at a few hundred dollars. As volumes increase, Keilaf says prices will go down.

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