


“An electoral system with integrity - enhanced by accurate, authoritative geographic data and presented clearly and transparently - has never been more important,” said NSGIC President Andy Rowan. “Geo-enabled elections overcome the four fundamental challenges with the existing address list approach to precinct management. In the address list approach, no actual boundaries are stored explicitly in these systems; quality control is difficult without a method to visualise precinct assignment using aerial photography and boundary information that can change frequently; there is no efficient method for applying large-scale precinct boundary updates; and the process is usually not aligned efficiently with other state and local address or boundary management processes.”





More than half of responding states indicated they maintain state-wide mapping of precincts. Within this group, 40% also maintain a layer of sub-precincts in digital mapping systems.

“仍然是一个需要开发地方选区哒ta content and procedural standards to examine the relationship between precincts, local and state boundaries, and residential structures,” says Chesser.



“州各空空间数据 - 尤其是城市,县,学校和特殊区域边界 - 对于绘制国家的区域界限至关重要,”国际博斯特说。然而,调查反映了当前城市和县域边界映射的准确性随之而变化。“

A substantial majority, 79% of respondents, confirm their mapping of state-level district-based elected offices are accessible online in a digital mapping format.

The survey was conducted as part of NSGIC’s Geo-Enabled Elections project, which aims to provide the impetus for replacing non-spatial ‘address file’ tables with the visual and analytical advantages of election precinct and voter data in a natively geographic information systems format.

Later this year, NSGIC will release the results of a study probing the spatial approach to elections management from the perspective of state elections officials. The two year Geo-Enabled Elections project, underwritten by the bipartisan Democracy Fund Voice, convenes a wide variety of stakeholders to explore ways GIS and related processes can enhance elections management and citizen engagement across the US.


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