How to Analyse and Map Surface Water Features using GIS

How to Analyse and Map Surface Water Features using GIS

Esri, the global leader in spatial analytics, has publishedGIS for Surface Water: Using the National Hydrography Dataset, the only book of its kind detailing how to use geographic information system (GIS) technology to visualise and analyse the surface water datasets.

Written by Jeff Simley, an award-winning cartographer and the former lead of the Hydrography Program at the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the book examines the complexities of surface water systems. It also shows readers how to use Esri ArcGIS software, together with the USGS'sNational Hydrography Dataset(NHD) and theWatershed Boundary Dataset(WBD) and the USGS's and Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA)NHDPlusdataset to better study and manage the vast surface water system in the United States.

The book, which is targeted at a wide range of users, thoroughly examines the representation of water features and their attributes in a GIS and then turns its attention to how that data is structured in the NHD, WBD, and NHDPlus datasets. After seeing how surface water hydrography can be modelled in a GIS, readers then learn how to use these tools to solve real-world problems.

While this book focuses on the surface waters in the United States, readers will learn methods for applying the science of surface water to any nation. Instructions guide readers to create surface water flow-volume maps that show how much water flows through any given river system.

GIS for Surface Water: Using the National Hydrography Datasetis available in soft-cover (ISBN: 9781589484795, 488 pages, US$79.99) and digitally as an e-book (ISBN: 9781589484917, US$79.99). Both editions can be obtained from most online retailers worldwide.

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