Hemisphere GNSS宣布推出其下一代GNSS引擎雅典娜。根据该公司的说法,新的核心引擎旨在最大程度地提高机器控制,调查和GIS中多个市场领域客户严格的GNSS要求的能力。
The company claims the brand-new GNSS RTK engine has one of the most reliably consistent initialisation performances in the industry, while at the same time performing initialisations in less than 15 seconds at better than 99.9% reliability
雅典娜在非常困难的操作环境中提供了鲁棒性 - 在最激进的GNSS地理和景观环境中,生产力极高。此外,它在长基线上的性能很大,对于长基线应用,其位置稳定性通常超过市场上最佳的RTK系统的性能。另一个亮点是闪烁下的性能:电离层闪烁活动下的持续准确性,为市场中的市场提供了一种可靠的方式,可以与受闪烁影响区域的GNSS合作
Carlson Software has extensively tested Hemisphere's new Athena RTK engine on the Carlson BRx5 GNSS receiver. The Athena RTK engine provides precise, reliable, and repeatable positions. Athena exceeds or matches the performance of all other GNSS receivers it has been tested against. The company was particularly impressed with the performance of the Athena engine, when using a long baseline or in areas where there is a limited view of the sky. Athena is a first-class RTK engine, expressed Butch Herter, director of hardware development, Carlson Software.
Novariant found Athena to offer exceptional performance, especially their RTK fix times and maintaining RTK lock on long baselines, said David Vaughn, CEO of the precision steering solutions company. With the latest competitive performance testing completed, Novariant is excited about adding Hemisphere’s Athena offering to the list of the Novariant-recognised certified receivers that, when combined with the precision steering solution, can assure centimetre-level steering control in the toughest environments in the world, he added.
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