Fugro帮助IWM Duxford上方和地下

Fugro帮助IWM Duxford上方和地下

With almost a century of development, IWM Duxford (a 60-hectare aviation museum with 200 aircrafts) has a vast network of buried pipes, cables and other services, many disused and unrecorded, running beneath the ground.

The buildings team decided to commission a utilities survey, using the latest non-intrusive ground investigation techniques to map networks below with minimal disruption to museum operations above. This underground reconnaissance is now helping to inform the planning and risk management of ongoing building work and site development.

Following competitive tender, the contract was awarded to Fugro, a global leader in geoscientific surveys and data to support asset integrity from pre-construction through service life.


With substantial experience in utilities investigations, from highways and airports to city centre and industrial developments, Fugro recommended the use of electromagnetic cable location (ECL) together with ground penetrating radar (GPR) surveys. These survey techniques use electromagnetic impulses sent from the surface to locate buried pipes, cables and other objects at depths typically to 1.5 metres, without the need to dig, drill or disturb the ground.

作为非破坏性,高度移动和谨慎的方法,这些可以最大限度地减少对历史环境和现场运营的影响,最重要的是博物馆访客和机场事件。组合,他们还提供了有效映射的机会,依靠Fugro的解释专业知识,而无需诉诸侵入性的调查 - 在繁忙和历史遗迹的尽可能避免。

Site Meeting

Fugro undertook an extensive site walk in order to plan the survey programme to accommodate a full range of site access and health and safety considerations.

Fugro Project Manager Charlie Baker表示:“彻底的网站访问对于任何调查的顺利运行至关重要,特别是在IWM Duxford这样的大量设施,这一年都可以向公众开放。早期承包商参与提供了充分了解客户需求和期望的理想机会,并讨论所提出的技术的能力和限制以及数据的准确性。“



Avoiding disruption to site traffic and visitors was a priority. By undertaking some elements of the survey ‘out of hours’, Fugro managed to schedule all the work with no closures to car parks or site roads.

Liaising closely with the museum, Fugro’s site team undertook risk assessments and health and safety measures while also observing site security, to ensure the survey work posed no hazard to the public or site personnel.


Fugro geophysicists completed the surveys within 26 day shifts, covering 10 hectares of the North side of the museum site and 48 hectares of the South side. Most of the work was undertaken within land-side areas, the mobile techniques adapting readily between varying ground conditions such as grass, concrete hardstanding, roads and footways.



A limited number of airside surveys were completed which are already being put to good use. They included the identification of utilities entering the construction zone for the Aircraft Restoration Company’s new Stephenson Hangar, built to accommodate maintenance work carried out on the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Avro Lancaster.

In line with the client’s requirement, the full results of the survey were presented using CAD, with each service colour-coded for ease of reference.


As a listed heritage site, IWM Duxford incorporates historically significant hangars and buildings, assets as integral to the museum’s legacy as the artefacts they protect.


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