FIG: Setting the Scene for the Coming Four Years
无花果国会2022年是当前为总统,两名副总统和所有十个委员会主席的2019 - 2022年领导层的学期结束。这是一个不寻常的和数字任期的任期。全球土地测量社区上一次可能会议是在越南河内的2019年FIG工作周。这是当前领导层的第一个事件,也是唯一至少到目前为止举行的现场领导活动。现在,无花果期待于2022年9月11日至15日在波兰华沙再次见面。
Last year, the General Assembly was held online. This had both advantages and disadvantages. One advantage was that many members were able to attend. Although the travel situation looks much better this year, the FIG Council has decided to hold one of the General Assembly sessions online to make it possible for as many members as possible to attend. This online session will be held most likely on a Sunday a few weeks before the无花果国会并将包括总统报告,委员会报告,财务报告和其他无花果事项。
After that, it is time to meet in person. The second session will be held in the afternoon of 11 September 2022 in Warsaw. This on-site session is called ‘Get to know your candidates’. The FIG Council has received nominations from the following candidates:
Candidates for President for the term 2023–2026:
- Abbas Rajabifard,澳大利亚测量与空间科学研究所SSSI
- 英国皇家特许测量师RICS的皇家学会Diane Dumashie
- Orhan Ercan, Turkish Chamber of Survey and Cadastre Engineers HKMO, Turkey
- 布莱恩·戴维斯(Brian Davies),加拿大加拿大地理学院
- 丹尼尔·史蒂德勒(Daniel Steudler),瑞士地居岛
- 中国地球摄影测量和制图学会CSGPC,中国中国
- Winnie Shiu, National Society of Professional Surveyors NSPS, USA
- 地理空间卓越的生活 - 数字化和现代测量和卡达斯特(CADASTRE)
- Urban Rural Land Linkages
- 支持2030年全球议程的土地治理
- Our Next Generation – on Mentoring and Women’s Land Rights
- 映射塑料
- Technology and Visualization for the Future
无花果国会2022年是与国际同事和新同行和朋友见面的绝佳机会 - 终于在三年的屏幕上再次出现。