ESRI故事地图Adds Raging Fires Across United States

ESRI故事地图Adds Raging Fires Across United States

ESRI故事地图has released a interactive map can be explored by panning and zooming of the raging fires across the United States providing context to the severity of the California fires. User can click on a fire and information about that particular fire is displayed including the start date, containment and links to the latest news and social information.


ESRI故事地图使您可以将权威地图与文本,图像和多媒体内容相结合。它利用地图和地理的力量以简单易懂的格式讲述故事。故事图使用ArcGIS JavaScript API,并与交互式时间表和幅度显示。

这fires and perimeters are a service of theGeoMACcommunity that uses the Geospatial Multi-Agency Coordination, an internet-based mapping application that is designed for fire managers to access online maps of current fire locations and perimeters in the United States. Members include the USGS, National Interagency Fire Center, National Weather Service and Bureau of Land Management, Remote Sensing Application Center, Bureau of Land Management, and National Geophysical Data Center. The data is updated manually based on information from a host of sources including those on the ground. Typically the data is fresh to about 24 hours.




USA Wildfire ActivityLiving Atlas中的层提供了数据的更质量控制的数据。它仅显示消防机构向USGS提交的野火,而不是其他所有可能导致自动卫星的热点检测的事件。但是,由于该层依赖于人类分析,因此有时它不像MODIS热点那样频繁。该层还包含火区域的周长。包括当前(活动)和较旧的(不活动)火灾。

虽然来自NOAA和NASA的以天气为中心的卫星提供了高度的时间分辨率数据,但对火灾影响的真正详细分析通常留给中等分辨率的多光谱成像卫星,例如Landsat 8和Sentinel-2或商业高分辨率卫星。这就是多光谱能力的好处Sentinel-2 satellite, now available in the Living Atlas. Sentinel-2’s infrared sensitivity provides the ability to identify areas of active fires, much like NOAA-20 or Aqua/Terra, but at 20m resolution. In addition to visualising active fire areas, multispectral imagery is also effective at评估烧伤疤痕

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