Esri Publishes Introduction to Human Geography Using ArcGIS Online
Esri, a location intelligence company, has announced the publication ofIntroduction to Human Geography Using ArcGIS Online. The book is written by Professor J. Chris Carter, who has been teaching human geography and GIS for more than 15 years.
推动读者更好地了解人类社会及其对我们星球的影响,这本大学级教科书挑战学生思考why的wherewith questions such as: How do physical features contribute to unique places and regions? What can local obesity rates tell us about food access? Why do people live where they do? How might we anticipate – and mitigate – conflict? What data are we missing? Are there patterns, and if there are, where?
Introduction to Human Geography Using ArcGIS Onlineincludes exercises in employing Esri'sArcGIS在线软件申请探索人类地理的基本主题,包括人口和移民,经济活动,语言和宗教,以及人类对环境的影响。本书中的大多数地图包括使教师和学生探索数据的链接,并了解它如何适用于他们的生活。ArcGIS在线练习使学生能够对联合国,世界银行,美国人口普查局,环境保护局(EPA)和其他组织的数据进行空间分析。创意教练甚至可以定制练习。
Introduction to Human Geography Using ArcGIS Online可打印(ISBN:9781589485181,440页,$ 74.99)和作为电子书(ISBN:9781589485198,US $ 74.99)。
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