Counting Down to FIG Congress 2022
The FIG community is counting down until it can finally meet again in person, from 11-15 September 2022 in Warsaw, the beautiful and vibrant capital city of Poland.
The FIG e-Working Week 2021 showed that an online conference is doable, but the feedback was clear: there is a strong wish to meet in person. And we will do so this year… so mark your calendar now. Let us meet again from 11-15 September 2022 in Warsaw, the beautiful and vibrant capital city of Poland. We hope and believe that it will be possible to meet in person in September with a more ‘normalized’ travel situation. Until then, we have sufficient time to make all the preparations for the event, such as the call for papers, the practical arrangements, organizing a good conference programme, etc.
What is the FIG Congress?(以及为什么它不称为'无花果工作周',如前所述?)
The FIG community meets once a year for a conference with technical sessions, meetings, discussions and for the annual General Assembly (FIG Working Week). Every four years, a new president is elected, which happens at the FIG Congress, and also two (out of four) new vice presidents are elected. The FIG Congress also marks the final year of the current president, council, commission chairs and their working groups and the finalization of their work plans and activities. This means that the FIG Congress is a larger event with more participation.
Your participation is important
The chairs-elects will use the congress to plan the coming four-year term. You can join them, and this is your opportunity to influence the future of their work. Within FIG, the expression ‘Surveyor’ is used as a generic term comprising all occupations and professions working in conjunction with geospatial data, such as land surveyors, quantity surveyors, construction surveyors, cadastral surveyors, mining surveyors, photogrammetrists, topographers, cartographers, hydrographers, valuers, geo-informaticians, land and town planners, etc.
Volunteering for the future
测量师始终是波兰的社会稳固的支柱,以及地方主持人 - 波兰测量师(SGP)协会 - 刚才庆祝其100th周年纪念日。将国际调查界带到波兰是一个突出当前主题的机会,这些主题反映在整体主题:“未来的志愿服务 - 以更好的生活卓越的地理空间卓越”。此主题分为以下子主题:
- Surveyor 4.0 – future applications for cadastre, environmental questions, engineering and mining
- 我们在Covid-19次之后的专业
- 打开数据和开放访问 - 是未来路线图的子弹点吗?
- Surveying competence for other disciplines
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