Copernicus Offers 40cm Imagery from European Space Imaging

Copernicus Offers 40cm Imagery from European Space Imaging

The European Space Agency has released an updated version of the Copernicus Data Access Portfolio offering 40cm imagery from the WorldView-3, WorldView-2, and GeoEye-1 satellite missions. This is the highest resolution imagery ever offered to Copernicus users who are eligible to order rush image tasking through the service. These users include the Copernicus Emergency Management Service and the European organisations operating the Copernicus Security Service: FRONTEX, the European Union Satellite Centre, and the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA).

“Very high resolution imagery provides the backbone of the Copernicus Security Service,” says Henning Götz, Copernicus Project Manager at European Space Imaging. “Seeing more of what is actually happening on the ground, or at sea, is vital for improving the situational awareness of any agency tasked with responding to security threats or emergencies.”


“我们很自豪能成为唯一能够在该决议中提供图像的唯一欧洲提供商,在欧洲空间成像董事总经理Adrian Zevenbergen说。“在40厘米的地球上看到地球的任何地方是对许多欧洲组织的运作能力的真正促进,并使他们采取全面和知情的方法。”



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