Converting Static Scans into Immersive 360-degree Imagery
NavVis是一个领先的室内空间智能技术提供商,现在可以自动将E57点云文件转换为交互式,逼真的360度演练,按照最新的软件升级到IndoorViewer。NavVIS IndoorViewer是一种基于Web的应用程序,使用360度全景图像,点云和由所生成的地图显示现实数字双胞胎3D scanning devices。Users can move around digital twins of scanned spaces as if they are on site and use the interactive functionality to add, search for and route to geotagged information and take accurate measurements.
The intuitive user interface and functionality has madeNavvis Indoorviewer.a valuable deliverable for laser scanning professionals who want to extend the use of point clouds beyond BIM models and building plans to a wider range of building stakeholders who would also benefit from 3D scan data. This is particularly relevant for stakeholders working on complex projects or properties, such as manufacturing facilities and construction sites, where IndoorViewer enables remote access to the site and is used as a platform for collaboration and exchanging information.
Making scan data available
IndoorViewer最初开发用于显示Navvis'捕获的数据室内移动映射系统以每个用户可以访问的方式。近年来,公司已看到,为每个建筑利益相关者提供扫描数据正在满足未满足的需求。许多伴侣使用NavVIS室内移动映射系统进行常规扫描项目正在提供室内景观者纳维斯·重新赛首席执行官Felix Reinshagen表示,作为增加可以利用此数据的利益相关者的数量。
为了满足越来越多的要求扩展使用有价值的3D扫描数据,该公司开发了一种自动渲染360°沉浸图像的功能,从结构化的E57点云文件中自动呈现360°。最新的软件版本带来了IndoorViewer的完整功能E57点云文件and therefore marks an important step towards NavVis’ goal of making scan data meaningful for every building stakeholder, Reinshagen continued.
Navvis IndoorViewer目前以大多数标准格式支持第三方点云文件。但是,NavVIS Indoorviewer提供的沉浸式经验的关键组成部分是360°全景图像。新的IndoorViewer通过从E57点云文件中自动渲染360°沉浸图像来桥接结构化的E57文件。这意味着收集的数据陆地激光扫描仪现在也可以用来创造现实,沉浸式360°演练,可以在线发布和共享,无需下载或安装软件。