Celebration of FIG’s 140th Anniversary and Handover
图于1878年7月18日的巴黎由来自七个国家协会的代表 - 比利时,法国,德国,大不列颠,意大利,西班牙和瑞士,并被称为FédérationIonceiviteeDesGéomètres。此后,这对国际测量师联合会进行了争吵。2018年标志着140钍anniversary of无花果, which was celebrated in conjunction with a handover ceremony from current president of FIG, Chryssy Potsiou (Greece, 2015-2018), to president-elect Rudolf Staiger (Germany, 2019-2022). Today FIG has become a very different, vibrant organisation with membership from more than 120 countries, but still with its original aim: to bring surveyors together in order to help each other and global society.
From 7-9 November 2018, the Technical Chamber of Greece (TCG) hosted the TUFE2018 event in cooperation with surveyors (FIG), architects (UIA), European engineers (ECCE) and the European Working Party on Land Administration (UNECE WPLA) with the theme of ‘Economy, Society and Climate Change – the Impact of Megatrends in the Built Environment, Construction Industry and Real Estate’. Chryssy Potsiou had done a great job to ensure the success of this event. At the closing ceremony, a cooperation agreement was signed between UIA, FIG and ECCE by the three presidents.
Handover and celebration
140钍周年庆典和切换仪式于11月9日在希腊雅典的eUGenides基金会的节日环境中举行。许多图与雅典的相关人员为雅典,从非洲,亚洲,美国和欧洲以及三名荣誉总统参加。Juha Talvitie(芬兰,1991-1994)对过去50年来说有一个有趣的介绍,并掌握了切换仪式。他描述了他自己的无花果体验,回到了20世纪60年代,并要求观众共享他们自己的数据历史的详细信息(并且也可以在图4)上执行此操作......)。Bob Foster (USA, 2000-2002) held a brilliant presentation on a higher ethic and ‘looking back and looking ahead’, and Holger Magel (Germany, 2003-2006) fascinated the audience with his speech on territorial justice – a new paradigm for the development of a country and the importance and relevance of rural areas. Representatives from Africa were Kwame Tenadu (Ghana), representing the Local Organising Committee for the FIG Working Week 2021, who talked about sustaining multilateralism in FIG for our common good, and Mansur Muhammad Kabir (Nigeria) who shared his African perspectives on enhancing the professional collaboration and strategic partnership in FIG. The very first FIG honorary ambassador, Clarissa Augustinus, pointed out the significant role of FIG and its presidents in the development and achievements of UN-Habitat/GLTN.
Chryssy Potsiou expressed her thanks for the four years she was at the helm of FIG, and the president-elect and other speakers praised her for her ability to bring people together.
Louise Friis-Hansen
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