

The Association of Canada Lands Surveyors (ACLS) has developed a certification model for hydrographers and offshore surveyors which has been officially recognized by the IHO/FIG/ICA International Board of Standards and Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors and Nautical Cartographers (IBSC) in April of 2016 and is now ready to receive applications.

The ACLS scheme is the second internationally recognized scheme in the world. The scheme is designed to promote IBSC-Accredited Category A or B training in Canada, while standardizing knowledge and experience requirements for individuals possessing non-accredited hydrographic surveying training and experience.

The ACLS Program has two levels of Certification. The first level is for project leaders and managers and the second level is for technologist. Each level has a variety of itineraries towards certification. There are paths available in both Level 1 and 2 for non-holders of IBSC-Accredited Category A or B training to become certified. The ACLS Certification program is open to both ACLS-commissioned and non-commissioned hydrographic and offshore surveyors in Canada and abroad.

Certification by a hydrographic or offshore surveyor is desirable because as follows:

  • 认证为水文或离岸测量师提供了一个正式认可和结构化的职业道路。
  • 建立水文或离岸测量师的专业知识和能力水平。
  • 确保水文或海上测量师知道这些部门的变化技术。
  • 提供证书持有人,并在其行业内具有增强的配置文件。
  • 为下一个全球扩张的水文或离岸测量师准备这些行业的全球扩张。

acl是一个国家、双语、自动调整的non-governmental professional organization with jurisdiction over Canada's Offshore Lands. The ACLS promotes and enforces the highest professional qualifications and standards, professional and ethical standards, and annual Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements.

有关该计划的信息,请访问ACLS网站www.acls-aatc.ca.或联系ACLS注册商,Jean-ClaudeTétreaultjctetreault@acls-aatc.caor +1-613-723-9200.






