空中映射专家Bluesky International已宣布新计划在12.5厘米的决议中将整个英国拍摄 - 其最高水平的全国迄今为止的覆盖范围。该公司已经抓住了整个英格兰,现在还将升级其威尔士和苏格兰覆盖范围,以至于其持续的3年国家更新计划的一部分。
“捕获技术和加工系统的进步意味着它现在可以在整个英国整个方面的解决方案,而不仅仅是在选定的地区。这使我们能够向地理空间社区提供更好的国家产品和服务,“布鲁斯基国际董事总经理Rachel Tidmarsh评论道。
“In simple terms the resolution of imagery determines what you can see and identify within the digital dataset, in other words the level of detail,” added Tidmarsh. “So, within a 12.5cm resolution image each individual pixel relates to 12.5 centimetres in the real world. This means that features such as road markings, street furniture, vegetation and property infrastructure are all visible and easily identifiable opening up even more applications for the data.”
Headquartered in rural Leicestershire, close to its East Midlands Airport flying base, Bluesky International is the leading independent aerial survey and geographic data company in the UK. With national contracts with government and commercial organizations Bluesky already maintains seamless digital aerial photography on a countrywide scale, at a variety of resolutions, together with simultaneously captured Colour Infrared (CIR) imagery.
地球裸露表面的3 d模型(数字内涵rain Model / DTM) and surface features such as buildings and trees (Digital Surface Model / DSM) are also created from the aerial photography by Bluesky’s skilled and experienced team. Bluesky has also developed a range of derived products including the innovative National Tree Map and 3D Building Models.