蓝天地理空间航拍照片更新爱尔兰之旅ist Maps

蓝天地理空间航拍照片更新爱尔兰之旅ist Maps

Eastwest Mapping从Blueyky地理空间购买了详细的航拍和高度数据,以更新并增强其娱乐地图。Counties Wicklow和Dublin的数据也将用于更新Eastwest Mapping的当前1:30,000和1:25,000级地形图,提供更多迄今为止的地面覆盖信息和更详细的高度测量。Eastwest Mapping为地方当局,旅游和出版行业以及一系列区域地图表提供了各种各样的小规模映射解决方案。

“Bluesky数据的货币和细节将使我们能够更新和增强我们当前的威布林和县都柏林的地形映射,以及为该范围添加一些新地图表,”Eastwest Mapping的所有者的Barry Dalby评论道。“随着Bluesky Acial Images描绘了现在出现的景观,这也为我们提供了新的娱乐地图产品的高级起点。同样地,高度数据更准确,允许我们产生更详细的轮廓信息,这对步行者和骑自行车者特别感兴趣。“

EastWest Mapping is based near the Wexford town of Bunclody and has been involved in recreational mapping for the past 25 years. Publishing a range of map solutions designed to inform recreational activities, such as walking and cycling, EastWest maps include detail of waterways and locational information. Map products available from EastWest include public information signage, brochures, guidebooks and cards, as well as digital maps for download from the Internet for use with handheld navigation devices.

由Eastwest Mapping购买的航拍和高度数据,形成了爱尔兰共和国的Blueyky地理空间的一部分。该数据在2015年和2016年捕获,该数据是全国范围内的调查一部分,即Bluesky希望在2017年完成。已经提供的产品包括25厘米和20厘米的分辨率航空摄影,与Carlow,Cavan,软木,戈尔韦,Kerry,Kildare的县城综合或部分覆盖,Kilkenny,老挝,Limerick,Longford,Louth,Meath,Offaly,Roscommon,Tipperary,Waterford,Westmeath,Wexford和Wicklow,以及更高的分辨率,12.5cm和10cm,城市地区的数据包括斯里戈,利默里克,新罗斯,Enniscorthy,gorey和wexford。

In addition to the aerial photography and Colour Infrared imagery already captured, national Digital Terrain Models (DTM) at 2m resolution and Digital Surface Models (DSM) at 25cm resolution, are being created. The first datasets, available in a variety of GIS-ready formats, have already been delivered to clients, such as EastWest Mapping, and have been well received.

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