Bhupinder Singh加入Magnasoft的董事会

Bhupinder Singh加入Magnasoft的董事会

Magnasoft通过新成立的董事会加强了领导团队,并欢迎Bentley Systems前首席产品官Bhupinder Singh作为其最新成员。Magnasoft是数字地理空间信息和服务领域的领导者,在印度,英国和美国的存在。

Bhupinder Singh凭借在软件产品行业的34年经验,无需介绍。他在本特利系统(Bentley Systems)的26年任期使该公司能够确立自己的全球领先基础设施工程解决方案提供商。Bentley Systems在2020年9月获得了成功的IPO。

Phaneesh Murthy,董事长兼非执行董事Magnasoft评论:“我知道Bhupinder很长me and it has been an absolute pleasure to know him. He is a great friend! His addition to Magnasoft’s board is an exciting step towards the journey of growth that we are envisioning. I am confident that his expertise will allow us to scale new heights and achieve exemplary outcomes.”


Reinforcing his thoughts, Bobbie Kalra, founder & CEO of Magnasoft, said: “We are absolutely delighted to have Bhupinder on our board of directors. There couldn’t have been a better time for Bhupinder to join us along with other industry leaders like Phaneesh, Rajiv and Abraham.”


Bhupinder Singh:I am excited to know about the potential of the company, the quality of services, the innovative solutions, its vast experience, its commitment to make a difference. Digital transformation is accelerating, and it is impacting the world like never before. As the world recovers from the pandemic, the pace of change is going to accelerate and Magnasoft is well-poised to facilitate that change.”


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