Airborne Lidar Survey to Help Find Lost Village

Airborne Lidar Survey to Help Find Lost Village

空中地图公司Bluesky将使用LiDAR制作英格兰诺森伯兰郡国家信托基金会的Wallington庄园的高度详细的3D地图。这项调查将使现场隐藏的考古学栩栩如生,揭示了该地区更多的中世纪过去,其中包括 - 希望 - 沃灵顿的“迷失村庄”。数据还将用于帮助管理重要的环境恢复项目。

At 13,500 acres, Wallington is the largest estate in the care of the National Trust and until now no large-scale archaeological investigations have been carried out. “There is currently no base-line archaeological survey of Wallington as the estate was simply too big to undertake one,” commented Paul Hewitt, countryside manager for the National Trust at Wallington. “As a result of recent funding, we are now in a position to work with Bluesky to complete a detailed survey which will be the biggest Lidar survey the National Trust has ever commissioned."


沃灵顿(Wallington)位于诺森伯兰郡莫佩斯(Morpeth)西部20公里处。1942年,查尔斯·菲利普斯·特雷维利安爵士(Charles Philips Trevelyan)捐赠给国家信托基金,并拥有15个农场,这是同类捐款。占地50平方公里,该地点包括广阔的林地,帕克兰和农田,以及一栋17世纪的房屋,该房屋位于一个大庭院内,该院子构成了主要游客区,并配有咖啡馆和商店。


With the funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, recently received by Wallington, a Green Recovery project starting this spring aims to plant 7 kilometres of hedgerows, 60,000 trees and restore 6 kilometres of waterways along river corridors that will enable natural processes to prevail.


蓝军将使用配备高级激光雷达传感器的固定翼载人飞机进行专业调查。捕获基础地形和任何表面特征的高度测量,分辨率高于每米16点,该数据将用于创建高度准确的3D数字地形和表面模型(DTM / DSM),其间距为25厘米。

The Bluesky datasets will be supplied ready for use in a range of GIS desktop mapping and other specialist software packages and will be compatible with other National Trust datasets includingOrdnance Surveymapping.


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