These inspiring articles all prove the versatility of the brilliant technology that is Lidar. Sensor miniaturization has made Lidar technology easier to integrate, enabling applications such as UAV-based and handheld mapping. Now that compact Lidar systems are more readily available and affordable, a growing group of users can consider laser scanning as a mapping method for an increasing variety of applications.
UAS映射 - 它在哪里?
The key trend in the evolution of UAS mapping can be summarized as the miniaturization of components. Cameras and Lidar sensors suited for capturing high-quality data are becoming smaller and lighter, propped up by advanced processing software which facilitates the use of calibrated metric cameras and heavy Lidar sensors for precision solutions.
Handheld Mapping of One of Europe’s Largest Caves
人类适应学院在欧洲最大的洞穴系统之一中进行了一个先锋隔离实验,称为“深度”:3公里的Lombrives Cave。在低光水平,环境温度为10°C和100%的湿度水平下,环境的身体和心理影响受到密切监测。该研究得到了地理空间映射专家和手持灯光扫描仪的支持。
Creating a 3D Model of the Famous Budapest Chain Bridge
两家匈牙利公司设计了一个三步188asia备用网址数据收集工作流程,以克服这个城市测量项目的挑战,其中包括使用无人机和遥控船作为激光雷达和摄影数据。结果:布达佩斯在多瑙河上的标志性桥梁的数字3D BIM兼容模型,以帮助准备恢复和翻新工作。
The Age of Mobile Mapping
Which technologies and processes are building the capability for high-density 3D data? Point clouds can be captured by an ever-increasing number of means to understand the surrounding reality and detect critical developments. Diverse applications of 3D laser scanning or Lidar, which is a technology on a sky-rocketing path to be used for mapping and surveying, are changing the way we collect and refine topographic data. This article outlines the latest industry developments.