5 Ways the World Depends on Geomatics
Where would we be without geomatics nowadays? There are so many ways in which modern life relies heavily on mapping and surveying professionals that it’s hard to imagine a world without geospatial technology, writes '188金宝搏特邀一位wim van wegen。例如,在农业中,地理空间数据和技术有助于农民增加产量并养活日益增长的世界人口。其他应用程序包括挖掘,城市规划,以创建“智能”城市和移动映射。最后但并非最不重要的是,自驾驶车辆 - 许多人被视为交通的未来 - 不会远远进入伐木技术。没有我们美丽的职业,从日常生活中阅读一些鼓舞人心的例子。
The Netherlands’ agricultural exports have hit a new high. In 2016, a record EUR85 billion worth of farming products were shipped around the globe, making the country (with an area of only 41,543 square kilometres!) the second-largest exporting nation in the world. Precision agriculture, also known as ‘smart farming’, is likely to further boost these export activities significantly in the coming years, as geospatial technologies help farmers to continue to increase their production.阅读......

Surveying in the Mining Sector
Geospatial data forms the foundation of mining. The rapidly evolving innovations in the geomatics sector are bringing previously unforeseen opportunities that will provide a major boost, both to mining surveyors and the mining industry as a whole. Read on for an article which starts with some history – after all, we should never forget where we came from. It then goes on to present a general outline of surveying in the mining industry, with a focus on the survey equipment and the technologies that are being used today.阅读......
Geomatics Makes Smart Cities a Reality
由于Karl Benz于1879年被授予他的第一个内燃机专利,汽车行业大幅变化。还是有它?主要原则保持不变:汽车仍然有四个轮子,汽油或柴油动力发动机 - 电动汽车仍然经过代表性,到目前为止只有几个氢气汽车在选择市场中公开提供 - 他们仍然需要被驱动由人类。然而,主要的变化就在拐角处:自驾驶车辆。他们不会在没有地理技术的情况下得了远。阅读......

CycloMedia is a renowned mapping company specialised in large-scale and systematic visualisations of environments. Its headquarters are situated in The Netherlands, a country that is an excellent testing ground for continuous innovation in mobile mapping solutions. GIM International's Wim van Wegen took to the highway and headed south to the old town of Zaltbommel to talk with Frank Pauli, CEO of the developer of advanced camera and image processing techniques.阅读......
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