What about Data Storage?
For many generations surveyors and other members of geomatics groups have been identified with the acquisition, measurement and collection of data; but far less so in respect of the data storage, access and management. On the tightrope of data gravity, the weight of data is shifting away from the data collection end towards data management. Those alert to this have already embraced the challenge and an initiative such as Survey4BIM can act as a vehicle for significant change. Thus it is encouraging to see the wider community recognising the importance of our data.
最近的贸易和行业事件我参加过重新执行我的观点,以至于以任何方式促进我们的职业发展和利益的方式是重要的。我们是一个不断变化的世界,它需要许多声音和想法来制定对大多数人有益的变化。并非我们所有人都可以花时间写一篇文章,在会议上出席或发布主题推文以产生大量印象。但是,有各种影响力的机会,更好地参与,例如关于RICS LinkedIn页面的发布评论,问题和想法。
The RICS, as an international organization, offers each of us an opportunity to engage and influence our futures on a personal level and on a wider more universal level through it’s standing at the international level. The FIG Working Week (2-6 May) is a prime example of our engagement, contribution and influence on surveying policy at the global level.
如今的政策制定者通常会咨询重要性重要事项,这通常可以包括公众。当我们比较不同国家的基础设施发展速率时,这种过程代表的延迟的担忧可能是有效的。英国的土地登记处,本月其他地方的一篇文章的主题,遭到审查,因为评估是对政府战略紧缩和支出审查的一部分的价值。Let’s hope the broader picture is maintained and it may be of interest to stakeholders that various nations are actively assessing how best to develop their land management, or cadastre, for coastal seas and marine areas as these areas become more important for our security of food, transport and represent limits of sovereignty. Managing our areas on land or sea requires data and as an asset, the data must also be managed, or did I mention that? Perhaps a public poll on the title (pun intended!) of the Land Registry will be required if it were to also manage our sea and ocean areas.
Finally, spare a thought for the London Marathon runner from Israel who was last to start. He followed his computer-based directions which mapped his route to the finish line instead of the start on Blackheath. He had to re-plan his route and dash across London to the start.
This article was published in Geomatics World May/June 2016
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