This report covers the latest in a series of meetings on the use and applications of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) hosted by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UN OOSA) and supported by the US State Department. The meeting was held in Vienna, Austria, from 13th to 17th December 2004.
The series to which it belongs arose from recommendations of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Use of Outer Space (COPUOS) as ratified by the UN General Assembly of the UN and involved key players delivering GNSS components including:
- USA’s Global Positioning System (GPS), represented by the State Department, Department of Transport and Interagency GPS Executive Board
- Russia’s GLONASS, represented by the Satellite Navigation Department of the Federal Space Agency
- Europe’s planned Galileo system, represented by the European Commission (EC) and European Space Agency (ESA).
One feature of the meetings has been a strong focus on improving infrastructure and capacity building for GNSS use in developing countries and countries in transition. The global user community was also represented, major players in the many application areas attending including key organisations for the surveying and mapping community: the International Association of Geodesy (IAG), the IAG’s International GPS Service (IGS), the International Cartographic Association (ICA) and the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG).
在第一天举行了简短的仪式,签署了联合国OOSA导演塞尔吉奥·卡马乔(Sergio Camacho)和无花果总统霍尔格·梅格尔(Holger Magel)的理解备忘录(MOU)。在本周的晚些时候,在Wood-Offer层举行了一次后续会议,以探索UN OOSA和FIG之间合作的具体领域。与谅解备忘录一致,讨论了三个主要主题。这些都是太空科学和技术教育,GNSS教育的细节以及用于灾难管理的太空技术。有四个主题的空间科学和技术教育中心的现有课程:卫星通信,卫星气象以及全球气候,空间和大气科学以及遥感以及地理信息系统。决定组建一个子组,以研究GNSS新课程的开发。还决定,现有四个课程的子组审查GNSS内容。该小组将由来自意大利的Naser El-Sheimy(用于无花果)和Lo-Presti教授共同主持。关于灾难管理太空技术的讨论;来自Oosa的David Stevens负责监督该主题,并将联系Theo Kotter,以探讨他的工作与Theo无花果WG关于灾难管理的工作之间的潜在协同作用。
Workshops and WGs
- review progress made in implementing recommendations of the International Workshop held in Vienna in December 2003
- 审查后续项目的状况以及在2005年及以后推进它们的潜在方式和手段
- review any follow-up initiatives and actions resulting from the series of UN/USA Regional Workshops on GNSS
- review specific recommendations of the Action Team on GNSS and possible ways and means of implementing these in 2005 and beyond.
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