

image of a UAVRe-usable aircraft flown without onboard human crew have been in existence since 1916, the bulk of applications concerning reconnaissance and other military missions too shady, dirty or dodgy for human lives to be jeopardised. Ongoing miniaturisation of electronics is enabling smaller and smaller Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), and these are increasingly equipped with cameras or other sensors to support aerial geo-data collection. UAVs appear in manifestations as diverse as aeroplanes and helicopters of all sizes and shapes, motorised para-gliders, blimps, kites and balloons. What sort of UAV is suitable as a platform for digital cameras and other remote sensors? The answers depend on application. The minimal set of criteria to be considered include cost, size and weight of payload; stability and vibration; number of people needed for launch and control; level of piloting skills; flight time; range; minimum airspeed (the lower, the less blurring of images); minimum size of takeoff and landing area; and safety. An additional design criterion concerns whether the UAV be ‘dedicated', that is equipped with specific sensors constraining the range of applications, or ‘general-purpose', capable of carrying a diverse set of sensors exploitable for many applications.


风筝,Blimps等受风的影响,因此可观可控。Fixed-wingUAVs are stable and, depending on wingspan, can carry a payload of up to several kilograms. They have to maintain a minimum speed to stay in the air, and cannot hover. An expert has to handle the remote control to avoid crashes, and good flight preparations are vital. They are suited for mapping areas of a certain extent, conveyed in square kilometres. But data processing has to be largely automated and there should be no need for ground control points, otherwise expensive manual post-processing negates the advantage of cheap data collection. Compared to fixed-wing UAVs,直升机提供更灵活的机动,垂直起飞和着陆,徘徊,但它们需要高级试点技能。直升机需要长度至少几米的刀片,以便在空中保持稳定的同时携带高达几千克的有效载荷。由汽油发动机供电的较大,单刀片直升机提供一种选择,但转子可能会造成伤害,因此飞行员再次必须受到良好的培训。四圈直升机足够稳定,危险不太危险,但电池供电的飞行时间有限,而振动可能会模糊收集的图像。决定性因素限制范围是对无人机的视线,或盲目调整位置的试验能力。还有一个hybrid UAV.


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