GIM International Interviews Christian Heipke
国际摄影测量和遥感学会(ISPRS)是地球部门中的主要组织之一,与GIM International建立了长期的合作伙伴关系。188金宝搏特邀我们在荷兰鹿特丹举行的2013年地理空间世界论坛上与ISPRS秘书长克里斯蒂安·海普克(Christian Heipke)进行了交谈。在这里,他分享了他对诸如无人空中系统(UAS)和斜图像不断增长的主题的看法,这是目前数据获取的主要发展的两个例子 - 以及该行业的未来挑战。
First of all, oblique images – which have actually been around for many decades – provide formidable facade texture for automatically rendering 3D city models. Obviously, if doors, windows, balconies and suchlike need to be entered into the models as spatial objects (in contrast to pure texture), these can be extracted from oblique images. In addition, monitoring activities taking place in urban settings are largely facilitated using facade views. Other applications comprise determining the facade material – such information can be useful for sound simulation – and monitoring a building’s heat flux using thermal oblique images. In short, oblique images are a valuable tool for visualisation, and they can be used to derive a lot of information which is not accessible from aerial images.
As a platform, the type of UAS we are talking about in photogrammetry closes the gap between terrestrial and aerial imaging. A UAS is much easier to employ than aircraft, and at least for small projects it is much more economical. Possible applications include archaeology, precision farming and mapping small areas in general. If monitoring is part of the job and the area needs to be revised frequently, for instance in construction site documentation or when monitoring traffic jams or sporting events, this is of course an added bonus. One can also envision a UAS being equipped with a thermal camera to detect heat leakages in industrial plants. In disaster management, of course, rescue crews can benefit from using UAS to quickly obtain an overview of the situation, and security applications also profit from UAS.