

Terrestrial laser scanners were introduced to the mining industry as a smart tool for surveyors – a high-technology method for obtaining data more quickly and safely than previous methods. In fact Peter Johnson, the author of this column, started his career at Maptek overseeing the development of the first purpose-built-for-mining laser scanners. The potential for laser technology to transform entire mine sites was obvious 20 years ago, and the level of detail and accuracy that these compact instruments can achieve is astounding, he writes.

Cut to 2018 and mine site survey teams are facing different challenges, such as the imperative to eliminate silos, necessitating a change in process. Decisions are driven by data which is driven by technology which is driven by the need for a business to control, monitor and understand their operation at an enterprise level. Surveyors still use laser scanners, which are faster, lighter and more powerful than ever before. However, the influence of their role and that data has fundamentally changed – I’d argue it is the discipline with one of the broadest impacts spanning a site.

In the mining technology space, success is driven by timely and proactive dissemination of accurate, current information between organisational functions. Mining professionals at Maptek work closely with customers and software developers to create, deliver and support the best technical solutions to industry challenges. This is how we help our customers navigate the complexities of mining.

Measurement function


所有这些关键过程和工作流程的基础是测量函数。采矿是一种空间练习 - 我们移动量,创建表面,监视运动。测量师是具有衡量这项工作空间方面的技能的专业人员,还可以在操作中建立测量,流程和工具系统,以确保将测量功能嵌入业务流程中。

Strategically, survey data is more important than ever before, as it provides critical information to diverse technical disciplines. In a data-driven climate with virtualised operations and remote operation centres, a conversation I would like to bring to the table is the importance of multi-disciplinary teams and critical business processes – and connecting these two important factors through technology.


What would this interdisciplinary approach to survey data look like?




彼得·约翰逊(Peter Johnson)是Maptek的董事总经理,该董事为全球采矿业开发高端技术解决方案。他是专业的机械工程师,他在屡获殊荣的团队开发3D激光成像解决方案的团队中开始了自己的Maptek职业生涯。彼得仍然活跃于与客户和行业合作开发新的关键技术系统。

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