The Shifting World of Professional Mapping
188金宝搏特邀GIM国际采访PIX4D首席执行官兼创始人Christoph Strecha
Christoph Strecha, founder and CEO of Pix4D, reveals that he foresees big changes in the geospatial industry in this interview with 'GIM International'.
Over the past decade, photogrammetry from unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV or ‘drone’) data has proven itself as an effective method to capture high-resolution aerial imagery, while drones have demonstrated their value for mapping and surveying professionals as platforms for carrying payloads that include a variety of sensors. One of the leading developers of software solutions to convert the imagery into high-end geospatial solutions is Pix4D, which has established itself as a leader in the business. Christoph Strecha, founder and CEO, talked to '188金宝搏特邀Gim International'和revealed that he foresees big changes in the geospatial industry.
Your company was started in 2011 as a spin-off of the prestigious École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland. How would you describe your company’s journey since then?
How would you describe the state of the geospatial industry at the moment?
There used to be a time when the geospatial industry was dominated by experts. They used very expensive high-level equipment to create maps and survey large areas that were just out of reach of smaller companies and communities. That has started to shift over the last three years, and it’s an ongoing process. Now, survey equipment in the geospatial industry can be used by people who have much less experience – they can basically use technology as a tool to solve their problems. This opens up a lot of opportunities in new sectors of the industry, because as prices are coming down, things are getting easier and becoming more automated. I think a big change is happening. And while we like to think we’re playing a part in disrupting the industry, the change is not just from coming Pix4D, but also from the big surveying companies as their equipment is getting cheaper and being used by a wider public.

Today we are focusing on enterprise solutions. I think more and more large companies are keen to use photogrammetry in their workflows, because they’ve seen that this approach is something that will actually save them money. We’re focusing on bigger clients, which means customised solutions that we integrate with their complex workflows. Another focus is agriculture, where drones can be a big help in terms of crop analysis. For farmers and agronomists, we’re building solutions that are easy to use and will also save them money. We recently launched Pix4Dfields from our Berlin office, for example. Lastly we are focusing on construction, where surveying is already common practice but also very expensive and therefore not done on a regular basis. So with drones and 3D modelling we can help construction companies understand the progress of their construction sites, optimise workflows and use this information in their planning. Even if they cannot regularly fly a drone, as is the case in many situations, our Crane Camera solution can deliver aerial images with the same results.
In view of the growing number of photogrammetry software solutions for drones, what are the main points surveyors should take into consideration before purchasing?
Surveyors will have a vast number of drones to choose from, fixed wing or copters, and they should know which one to use for which jobs to optimise their surveying. Having RTK on a drone also saves you from having to measure additional GCPs (地面控制点,编辑。), for example, so surveyors should choose an RTK-equipped drone. That’s a huge gain in efficiency. Solutions are quite easy to find these days, but there are a number of things to take into account. Surveyors should look at not only the software, but also the solution surrounding it. What is the support like if something goes wrong? Has this software been used by others in the same field to get great results? Can an end user pick up and work with the software if need be? And, finally, does the software come from an established company, so the surveyor can expect updates and support in the years to come?
There is increasing focus on the payloads of UAVs. Which key trends do you foresee?
I think we can expect to see more optimised payloads with better cameras offering better resolution, rig systems and systems of combined-perspective cameras that increase the efficiency. Then we have the trend of multispectral sensors combined with thermal sensors and RGB. There’s also a lot of hype about Lidar, but it still remains a niche part of the market. It reduces the flight time of the drone, but it also dramatically increases the price of the equipment and the complexity of the workflow, so it just doesn’t have the same advantages as photogrammetry. I’m not sure that this technology will become mainstream in the workflow of surveyors and end users in the same way that rig systems and combined cameras will become mainstream over the next few years.
Pix4D is known for its R&D efforts in collaboration with EPFL’s computer vision lab. Is this still an important pillar of your company?

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are likely to play an essential role in the future of drone mapping. Is Pix4D ready for the future in this sense?
无人机正变得越来越便宜,所以是this increasing the number of potential customers?
You once said “A drone should be seen as a device”. So, turning our attention to another device, what are the latest developments with respect to Pix4D’s Crane Camera solution?
This goes together with converting raw images, not only into point clouds or meshes but also into information. A mesh doesn’t have much more value than the original images. Automatically understanding what this mesh represents – what is a simple structure, what are semantic structures – that’s where the value lies, because it means there’s no human operator needed to extract the semantic information from the 3D model. BIM is a good example of how this concept of converting images to information can be applied and is extremely useful.
正如我提到的那样,机器学习对于行业来说将是一个巨大的变化。188asia备用网址公司将付出很多努力来以语义分析数据:不仅显示图像,而且还从中汲取了信息。标准处理工作流确实运行良好,尽管总是需要更快地处理 - 重要的是要继续更新它,这对我们来说是重点。但这至少在短期内不会是革命性的变化。我们可以期望的是,从特定行业的图像中应用摄影测量,机器学习,几何图形和辐射指定。在这里,我们将来会看到图像处理中的大多数发展。
Lastly, what would be your message to the community of mapping and surveying professionals?
I think it’s very important that everyone who works professionally with UAVs embraces public opinion positions on privacy and security issues regarding flying with drones. All the companies in the sector, whether they are software companies, hardware companies or surveyors that use drones in their work, need to work together towards a clear public definition of drones as an essential professional tool – one that can be fundamental in emergency response situations like earthquakes, for example. Drones have many useful professional applications that have nothing to do with spying on your neighbours, flying for fun or military applications. The general public needs to be made aware of the pros and cons of drone usage so that legislation is put in place correctly, in order to allow drones to be used where they add value to our society.
About Christoph Strecha
Christoph Strecha博士是瑞士公司Pix4D的首席执行官和创始人,该公司开发和销售专业的摄影测量软件。Strecha博士于2008年获得了卢文天主教大学(比利时)的博士学位,并完成了有关多视图立体声的论文。他撰写了许多论文,并在2015年因在计算机视觉和摄影测量方面的工作而获得了卡尔·普尔弗里奇奖。他被科学界认可为现代摄影测量方法的影响者,潮流引领者和倡导者。
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