How Rapid Scanning Provides Support During a Global Health Crisis

How Rapid Scanning Provides Support During a Global Health Crisis

Geospatial technology can play an important role in the expansion of hospital capacity in response to the coronavirus pandemic. In this feature, David Fowkes, sales director at 3D mapping and monitoring specialist GeoSLAM, explains how the rapid surveying capabilities of SLAM technology can enable health officials across the globe to quickly and safely assess potential hospital buildings.


In the UK the ExCel London, a 100,000 sqm event centre, was rapidly repurposed to create the 4,000-bed NHS Nightingale Hospital designed to increase intensive care unit (ICU) capacity. In addition, six further projects to repurpose existing buildings into temporary hospitals are planned across the country.




When surveying these potential hospital sites, accessibility and speed is more important than ever, so teams on the ground can complete assessments quickly and safety. Traditionally, public health officials may have relied on hiring an expert to operate a static scanner, taking time to set up and then map out the site.


First developed in the robotics industry, tools using SLAM are capable of scanning indoors or other difficult-to-reach, enclosed spaces. Using information from sensors, normally Lidar and imagery, digital 3D maps can then be created based on the location of the device, without the need for GPS.

启用奴役的轻质扫描仪,例如北索斯岛的Zeb-Revo或Zeb-Horizo​​ n,可以允许调查团队在脚上或使用无人驾驶飞行器(无人机)来映射和监控网站。


Mobile mapping in practice

GeoSLAMteam recently worked with Microgeo operator Ventimiglia Mattia for Tecnoin Naples, who was tasked with scanning a five-floor hospital building near Naples who was tasked with capturing data to create 3D models to assess floorplans and building measurements.

需要精确扫描但以速度交付,据选择了据捕获在100米范围内的远处元素的能力,因此选择了良士族的Zeb-Horizo​​ n。该设备能够捕获每秒300,000点,勾选快速移动扫描解决方案的要求。它还具有“步行和扫描”的数据收集方法,任何操作员都需要最小的培训。

在一小时内扫描了所有五个地板,利用Zeb-Horizo​​ n的无人机能力和徒步捕获数据。参考点用于合并扫描和地理参考数据 - 使测量团队能够为分析创建准确的3D模型。






Using a handheld scanner, by comparison, offers rapid surveying, reducing data collection to minutes or hours and allowing the surveyor to walk through the building at a consistent pace and observe social distancing guidance.


While the economy must continue to function and we should keep in regular communication with our loved ones, there is no doubt that the wider health of our communities is the ultimate priority. We all hope that these new or repurposed hospitals are used as little as possible over the coming weeks and months but, if they are, SLAM technology could have a huge role to play in helping officials to quickly and easily check the safety and viability of each venue.

高级应用工程师Ivona Hubova和来自Microgeo和Tecnoin那不勒斯的团队。

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